Rider-Waite Tarot deck. The Judgment, card no. 20. |
This is the business center for directors, officers and other special people. Here we have all the confidential information about all the ATA projects.
[PLEASE NOTE: Many URLs go to the old site where the content is stored in the board's folder, or URLs may go to a database not in Joomla.
- jes, Oct. 27, 2008.]
~ these link to a dB not in the Joomla site.
Mentee On-line database
Mentor On-line database
Mentee Report
Mentor Report
Mentee/Mentor List
~ these link to the old site.
Conference To Go Book PDF Format
Current Correspondence Courses (several formats) [Links to board version of courses.]
ATA Articles of Incorporation Word document
ATA Articles of Incorporatiom text file
ATA Articles of Incorporation Acrobat file
ATA By-laws [Doc not in password protected area.]
ATA Mission Statement [None presently. 02/08]
Job Descriptions:
~ these links are integrated into the Joomla site.
Officer and Director Job Descriptions
Executive Director Job Description
Discussion Group Manager Job Description
Web Administrator Job Description
ATA Members Area
ATA Election Procedures listed in the Members area.
ATA Election Manual
~ these link to a dB not in the Joomla site.
Board Mailing List Archives
End of Last Month ATA Membership database in Excel updated at end of each month
Current ATA Membership database in Excel updated at the end of each week on Friday.
ATA Membership database as HTML Table
Latest Month's Coordinator report
Current Return Label (gif)
Trade database as HTML Table
Monthly Financial Records:
~ these link to the old site.
December 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
November 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
October 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
September 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
August 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
July 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
June 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
May 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
April 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
March 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
February 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
January 2005 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
December 2004 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
November 2004 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
October 2004 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
September 2004 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
August 2004 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
July 2004 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
June 2004 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
May 2004 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
April 2004 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
March 2004 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
February 2004 | Excel 2000 | HTML |
January 2004 | HTML | |
December 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
November 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
October 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
September 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
August 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
July 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
June 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
May 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
April 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
March 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
February 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
January 2003 | Excel 97 | HTML |
December 2002 | Excel 97 | HTML |
November 2002 | Excel 97 | HTML |
October 2002 | Excel 97 | HTML |
September 2002 | Excel 97 | HTML |
August 2002 | Excel 97 | HTML |
Archived Membership databases
These are on site