ATA Financial Summary for January 2005
Div Income  $       3.84
Materials  $       2.78
Book & Audio Sets  $     50.00
100 Introduction  $    100.00
200 Intermediate  $     50.00
300 Advanced  $     50.00
401 Mystical  $     30.00
402 Astrological  $     30.00
403 Numerological  $     30.00
TOTAL CD  $    290.00
TOTAL Book & Audio Sets  $    290.00
100 Introduction  $     15.00
200 Intermediate  $     15.00
300 Advanced  $     30.00
401 Mystical  $     15.00
402 Astrological  $     15.00
403 Numerological  $     15.00
TOTAL Books  $    105.00
ATA100  $     40.00
TOTAL Members  $     40.00
ATA100  $     50.00
TOTAL Non-Member  $     50.00
TOTAL Courseware  $     90.00
403 Numerological  $     20.00
TOTAL Downloads  $     20.00
TOTAL Materials  $    505.00
Internet Memberships
1 Year Internet  $    220.00
2 Year Internet  $    140.00
3 Year Internet  $     50.00
TOTAL Internet Memberships  $    410.00
Mail Memberships
Domestic mail memberships
1 Year Domestic  $    270.00
2 Year Domestic  $     50.00
3 Year Domestic  $    140.00
TOTAL Domestic mail memberships  $    460.00
Overseas mail memberships
1 Year Overseas  $    205.00
TOTAL Overseas mail memberships  $    205.00
PSP memberships
1 Year PSP  $     20.00
TOTAL PSP memberships  $     20.00
TOTAL Mail Memberships  $    685.00
Networks-only Memberships
1 Year Networks  $     30.00
TOTAL Networks-only Memberships  $     30.00
TOTAL Memberships  $ 1,125.00
TOTAL INFLOWS  $ 1,633.84
Bank Fees
Credit card fees  $     17.56
Paypal fees  $     48.68
TOTAL Bank Fees  $     66.24
Licenses and Permits  $     30.00
Office  $       6.35
Postage and Delivery  $     69.82
Royalties  $     40.00
Federal  $    238.71
State  $     63.37
TOTAL Taxes  $    302.08
Fax Service  $       3.95
Local  $     58.35
Long Distance  $     21.78
TOTAL Telephone  $     84.08
Websites  $     20.00
TOTAL OUTFLOWS  $    618.57
OVERALL TOTAL  $ 1,015.27